Gamepad: Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Tips & Tricks

updownright Post SW.jpg   For the last few weeks, I’ve been working on and writing about pretty serious topics, and so I thought why not freshen things up a little? Also seeing how I’m a big advocate for mobile games, I’ve decided to make a Tips & Tricks article for a game that I must admit, downloaded once, deleted and downloaded again. In other words I’ve had a love-hate relationship with it for a while now, but recently started playing it again, and I’m liking more and more every time. The game I’m talking about is Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes.

0. (Optional) Dark Side Starter Pack

So, in the beginning of the game, or once you unlock the Dark Side part of the campaign, you’ll be prompted to a little screen offering you a Dark Side Starter Pack for 4.99$ which expires after about four days. Now, before you grab your pitchforks, let me explain. I hate DLC and microtransactions as well, but this is the only time in any game, that I’ve given money for something like this. And it’s a pretty good bargain, you get character shards, a 3-star character, enough crystals for a Chromium Pack and a lot of credits. Ironically it’s the only item in the in-game store that’s actually worth it and not overpriced.

1. Sim Tickets

If you do your dailies, you’ll notice that every day there’s a quest that gives you 25 ticket items. These are used to instantly complete a chapter in the campaign, or a cantina battle (once you unlock those). Save those for the inevitable times when you don’t want to play but you still want to complete daily quests.

2. Managing Your Resources

Since every character requires gear, you may notice that you’re always getting a piece, but you can’t equip it because it’s not the right slot for the characters you have. I suggest keeping any spare gear that you don’t use. First reason is because there is no inventory limit, meaning you can stack as many as you want. There’s a sell items tab where you can sell all the ”useless” gear you have around, but I advise against that, because the sell prices are abysmally low, and you never know when a newly unlocked character may need to equip gear that you just threw out.

3. Building a ”One size fits all” team

Galaxy of Heroes has a somewhat linear and predictable gameplay, but there are a few things to consider when building a team. In order to build the best team for every battle, make sure to always have a tank and healer, for sticky situations when enemies are focusing on a character from your team who isn’t build to sustain large amounts of punishment, so that the tank can ”agro” while the healer… well heals your team. Having two or three well equipped damage dealers helps as well. This kinda ties in with tip #4 which is…

4. Prioritising Characters

It goes without saying, but gear and leveling priorities should be as follows: Healer > Tank > Damage dealer. While a bad tank is something your team can live without, a crappy healer character is crucial in order to achieve victory. This is also why you should use Ability Mats on character abilities that can benefit the entire team or do lots of damage.

5. Gearing and Leveling

Once you have the characters you want to focus on, it’s a good idea to gear them first. Every character has six gear slots and after those are filled up you can upgrade the character. Leveling your teammates is done by using experience items which are divided by tiers. I always keep the higher tier XP droids for later, and always level up character with low tier XP ones, and so should you! All this gear and XP talking raises a new question: Where do you get stuff like that? I’m glad you asked. You get these from…

6. Challenges!

I just want to clear up something. Completing chapter in the campaign or Galactic War, Cantina Battles and what-have-you awards you with gear and xp items. However these usually use up your energy. There is however another way! Daily challenges are a great way to stack up on items that you need and/or want. These are different every day, and can be played up to five times before you have to wait for the reset, but they’re relatively easy and offer great rewards. Items awarded from completing challenges include Gear items, XP Droids, Credits or Ability Materials . Challenges are usually accompanied by modifiers that restrict which types of character you can use or give the boss in the end of every battle a buff, and are honestly nothing to fear.

7. Shipments

Almost every subsection of the game has a shipments tab. Once you get to a high enough level and gain access to all of them, you’ll notice they each have their own currency tied to them. Shipments reset once every six hours, and an item can only be bought once, so that you don’t stack up on too much things at once, but gradually unlock stuff. I try to buy shipments at least twice daily, because each day there’s something that I need.

8. Cantina Battles, Galactic War and Key Card Battles

Cantina Battles are tied to a separate energy pool, and each battle costs eight energy. They are mostly a waste of time, HOWEVER you can play them as many times as you want, as long as you have energy and they always reward you with a special currency you can use to buy shards to unlock Boba Fett (not gonna lie he is pretty kewl).

Galactic War is survival type of scenario. Your character’s health and ability cooldowns carry from battle to battle, but after each fight you get a reward, so that you WANT to continue playing, and if a member of your team dies, you can replace them.

Key Card Battles unlock at level 52 and are supposed to be a high risk – high reward gamemode, but the community of the game feels pretty negative towards them, because they use up too much energy, and the rewards aren’t exactly great.

9. PvP

PvP is rank-based, so you may start with people who are easy to fight and when you get to the big boy league, things can get pretty hairy. However, based on your rank you get an in-game mail every day containing rewards from that bracket. The most expensive items in the shipment tab cost 400 tokens, so my advice is to try and keep a rank from between 2000 to 1500, if you’re not focusing on PvP all that much…

10. Crystals

Never, I repeat NEVER use crystals to refill energy, even though they’re a renewable currency. You also don’t have to buy a chromium pack every time you have 350 crystals. The best way to use them is to stack up until you have enough to buy the 8-pack from the store. That way you have a GUARANTEED chance to get a hero and you buy it with a 10% discount.

11. Unlocking Additional Characters

Most of the time, the game will reward you with character shards. Once you get enough, you unlock a character, and depending on that character’s tier, after unlocking them, any additional shards for the same character go to upgrades, so that you increase their power. Almost every battle rewards shards, and they can be played as much as you want. Hard Mode fights can only be played three times a day, but if RNGesus is on your side you’ll get your promised shards. If you want to upgrade a particular character, go and do battles that reward with shards for that particular character.

12. Daily Quests

My last bit of advice should go without saying but: DO YOUR DAILIES! Seriously, they reward you with all kinds of things, and once you get to a certain point, they don’t take more than 15-20 minutes to complete. Also make sure to login daily, because this game has the best login reward system I have ever seen.

If you sticked around long enough to read this I congratulate you! Now go build your party of heroes and conquer the galaxy. May the force be with you!

Achievement Unlocked! – Cubot: The Complexity of Simplicity

Platform: Xbox One
Time to Complete: 30 Minutes to 1 Hour
Gamerscore Available: 1000G
Gamerscore Achievable: 1000G

Wow, I actually had to go outside and get a £10 gift card to get this game, yeah, outside. Was bloody raining as well. Anyway, that’s not the point, I got that voucher with the sole reasoning of buying some Xbox One games with some easy gamerscore, I’ve gotten three (so far) and this is one of them.

This game is amazingly simple to achieve 1000G in, almost felt a bit cheap doing this, but no matter, Cubot is a puzzle game and like most puzzle games I’ve played I’ll need a walkthrough. Basically you move coloured cubes about and one wrong move can really make a huge difference, so, I’ve jotted down the exact directions you need to take, or, rather, someone else has and I’m going to copy it onto here. There’s a total of 10 Chapters with 8 Levels each and it takes a half hour or so. This is basically the Xbox One equivalent to Avatar: The Burning Earth. Let’s get on with it then. Continue reading

King’s Quest Chapter 2: Rubble Without a Cause Review

In King’s Quest Chapter 2, King Graham (Christopher Lloyd) continues to recount the adventures of his younger self to his grandchild(ren). In chapter 1, he was simply an adventurer hoping to become a knight to the king, but in Rubble Without a Cause, he himself is now the King of Daventry. That doesn’t mean his adventuring days are behind him, though. After a quick intro showing that Graham was actually not that good of a king in his younger years, he and his friends who work in the town square are promptly kidnapped by goblins and taken into a secret cave illuminated by bioluminescent lizards and held as prisoners. For some reason, Graham is chosen by the goblins to perform their chores for them which means he is the only prisoner able to wander the caverns unsupervised. This of course means that he takes it upon himself to figure out how to break everyone out and get back to Daventry. Continue reading

6 Games We Hope Don’t Flop in 2016

2016-01-20 23.31

Every year there’s a new lineup of games worth being excited about. Some of these games will fly out of the gates and fulfill or even surpass our wildest expectations.  Unfortunately it’s just as certain that a select few games will release and immediately flop like a sumo wrestler diving belly first into a pool a jello (you’re welcome for the visual). It’s not too much 0f a bother if it’s a game of no interest, but each gamer has games they pray don’t flop. We decided to kick off 2016 with the Updownright staff’s top games we hope don’t flop this year. Two games from each member for a total of six on our list starting……NOW! Continue reading

Gamepad: Let’s talk about Battlefield Hardline

battlefield-hardline-ea-access…but before we do, let me tell you a story. It was the 4th of August 2015, and I was on my way to the local games retaile
r in my neighborhood. It was a sunny, hot afternoon, but I was excited as hell, because I was on my way to pre-order… Destiny: The Taken King…Wait, what? Don’t worry it all connects at the end. And so I enter, put money on the counter and exchange a few words with the guy behind the counter, who I’ve been forming a pretty weird friendship with, for the last month or so. I get my receipt and head for home, sweaty and excited.

Flash forward a couple of weeks. It’s September 15th, the first day of school, where I’m from, but school is of no matter to me. No, I return to the very same game shop I went to pre-order Destiny, couple of weeks ago, sweaty again, but even more excited than before. I come to pick up my copy of Destiny: The Taken King Legendary Edition, but the guy there said they got a call last night, and that they weren’t getting any DLC codes. However… seeing as I was a regular there, he told me to hang on for a second and went to the back of the room and opened a cupboard, then took out 3 disc boxes out of there. He handed them to me and among them, a name stood out… Battlefield: Hardline…the other two were PES 2015 and Evolve, so it was a pretty easy choice on my side.

Anyways, flash forward 4 months, and I’ve started to get a bit burnt out on Destiny, so I decided to switch it up a little. I take the disc, pop it in, and man, oh man did I have a blast… So since this is one of the first posts I’m writing as of 2016, what better way to start the new year, than talk about a game roughly 10 months old?

What immediately got my attention was the setting of the game. Because let’s face it, FPS games have become very similar and stale. There’s always a guy who’s the best soldier the military has, and there’s always a bad guy who has to be stopped, followed by about five hours of content that would tear up Michael Bay. And Hardline simple isn’t that way. From the very beginning it raises the simple question:”Do FPS games always have to be about being a soldier and saving the world?” and Hardline answers with an even simpler “No”. I really like how the developers of the game aren’t afraid to experiment with the FPS concept. That’s why to me Battlefield: Hardline is a true sequel.

The whole storytelling concept is not something we haven’t seen before, but boy was I happy with the way Hardline was built. It’s formed like a TV show, a cop TV show to be precise, channeling inspiration from shows like Miami Vice and Hawaii 5-0. We have a strong protagonist with a black-and-white morale and a weird sense of humor, who’s a rookie in the Miami Police Force. His buddies, a seasoned veteran with questionable values, and the protagonist’s partner – a strong independent woman with a grayer look on life than the posterboy, but equally as badass, and there’s the boss who serves as an authority figure who has to clean up some of the mess after his colleagues. But it’s not only characters thatmake this game feel like a cop show, the game is built like on. In the beginning of every chapter of the story, or “episode” we get a short preview of what happened in the previous “episode” along with a short introductory cutscene that imitates different camera angles, making the whole experience feel like watching TV.

I’ll admit, the game has problems, and maybe it’s because I got it for free, but I don’t really blame DI
CE for making Hardline a re-skinned version of 4, and the reason is simple: If we compare Battlefield Hardline ot Battlefield 4 there’s almost no difference whatsoever, even though Hardline has some pretty cool multiplayer modes, but if we look at Call of Duty: Ghosts and Advanced Warfare, the difference is quite noticeable, but that’s only because CoD mad a pretty big and risky jump from 2013 to 2014, in terms of gameplay, while Battlfield’s thing has always been how realistic the guns feel, how you can blow up stuff and how there’s big battles and actual classes each serving a role of their own. That’s the reason Hardline got a lot of hate, simply because there was no overhaul in gameplay design. But I digress…

It feels like Battlefield: Hardline was really underrated mainly because of the multiplayer mode, and the backlash it received, and while it was praised for experimenting with the Battlefield formula, the anger towards the re-skinned online mode was too strong to not make an impact on the score of the game. I don’t really care what others think, I believe Hardline is a solid game and while it doesn’t have that much to offer, the characters are amazing, the feeling of performing a heist, or extracting a hostage is something I liked a lot and I can’t wait for a sequel…